Martha’s 60th Birthday Fundraising for Timor-Leste

Recently, Martha turned 60! What a blessing and an incredible milestone to celebrate. Instead of the usual birthday festivities, Martha chose to mark this special occasion in a way that reflects her lifelong passion for helping others. She gathered her dearest friends and family, those who have impacted her life...

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Prophecy Seminar

This Friday and Saturday, 04.11.2022 – 05.11.2022, we would like to invite you to a Prophecy Seminar. Are you dismayed by today’s world of fake news, alternative facts,  economic uncertainty, and political intrigue & volatility that leaves you not knowing what tomorrow will bring! Why is the world as we...

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Baby Matteo

Welcome to this world little one👶🏻! Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Children are one of God’s most precious gifts. While parents,...

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It’s Time!

Often when we need to be reminded, “It’s time,” it’s because we’ve got to shift our frame of mind from where it’s been to where it needs to go. If we were really ready to do something, it might not be necessary to mention the time at all—things would just...

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“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:26-27 We are so thankful to God for the decision that 4 young men have made – to publicly dedicate their life to...

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LiveStream – New Beginnings

It is an exciting time as Maranatha Church will soon have the Official Opening and Dedication of the recently completed church building. We hope it will be more than just a building… we pray for it to be a place of refuge, of connection and reconnection with God, a place...

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